The Enga Chapter has more than 150 members in senior management positions across the public and private sector.
Chapter Executive
Ms Rhonny Lakau – President
Ms Serah Sipani – V/President
Mr Ben Sarett – Secretary
Ms Georgina Tapineng – Treasurer
Committee Members
Mr Moses Yandane
Enga News
Working to End to Family Violence
Jean Jano, Program Manager Eastern Highlands Family Voice My name is Jean Jen Jano, and I am from Fayantina LLG in the Eastern Highlands Province. I am a member of the senior management team at...
New PNGAAA National executive inherits great expectations
The outgoing PNGAAA Committee has set its successors the challenging goal of forging close working alignments with its provincial chapters, but the incoming team is ready for the challenge.
Newly appointed National Executive
After a successful election, the newly appointed Executive are as follows: President Dr David Kavanamur Knowledge Platform Unit, PNG Governance Facility Vice President Ms Janet Rangou...